20 January 2009

Chaotic Thoughts

Where the heck to start? I just don't know. This will be a bit chaotic, as work is chaotic and extremely stressful right now, and cover about a hundred or so things in about a five minute read. Hmm, OK. First off sorry the video on yesterdays post crapped out. It was supposed to be dueling pianos playing the Saturday Night Live hit "D*** In A Box". It was comedy gold, even though the sound and video kind of sucked. But it still would've been funny.

Today... I've kicked back and forth what I did or didn't want to post surrounding events in the US today. In case you haven't heard, today will be the inauguration of our forty-fourth President Barack Obama. With that said I will leave it at this. President Bush, thank you for your leadership over the last eight years, God Bless and enjoy your time back at home in Texas. To President Obama, may your journey from this point on be blessed, and may your future and the future of the country be bright.

I'm already back down on my weight. Part of the weight gain was likely salt, the other part was probably, uhmmm, lack of fiber. Get it? I hope so because I'm not going into those details. I need a break in the weather. We're looking at about a foot and a half to two feet of snow currently sitting on the ground, and today was downright balmy, as the temps didn't have a 'negative' preceding them. Not only is it murder to ride in that kind of cold, it wreaks havoc on my lungs. It's really bad for asthma. I'm really feeling lethargic and need to get back out. I also can't wait for Harp to get in on the Lean Look Challenge.

Finally, and I'll leave it here for now. As I write this (Monday) it is my dad's birthday. He would've been 66 years young today. That said I am reminded, as I've mentioned before, that I will be riding in the Philly Leg of the LIVESTRONG Challenge. I will be riding in honor of my father who was taken by cancer on Fathers Day 1993, and as a part of Team Fat Cyclist: Fighting for Susan. I have started the journey to reach my goal of raising $2,500 for Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) and my participation in the 2009 Philadelphia leg of the Lance Armstrong Challenge. I have amazing family, friends, and people I do not even know who have donated so far. So far I have raised $310 toward my goal of $2500, which is about 12%. If you would like to help and donate to Lance Armstrong Foundation on behalf of my fundraising effort, you can go to my secure LIVESTRONG Challenge Page HERE, and make a secure donation. You can also track how I am doing, and there is a link to donate on the right hand sidebar of this blog. Thank you so much to all of you who have donated, and likewise to those who would consider donating in the future.

Alright it's 11:30 pm (Monday), so for now it's back to work. Hope your Tuesday is great! Go watch D*** In A Box again, and enjoy!

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