04 January 2010

Finally A Ride!

My only regret is that my camera officially took it's last proverbial breath. Sunday I got out in the 20ºf (3ºf with windchill), 30 MPH wind, with snow squalls weather that is a "beautiful" January day in Cleveland. I dropped the pressure in the Rockhopper to about 25 - 30 PSI and hit the trails. No worries, the trails are crushed lime, so there's no chance of tearing them up.

I was only out about an hour, and only got a couple miles at best, but in about a foot or so of fresh snow it was a little bit more of a challenge from what I remember last year. That is to say, by the time all was said and done I felt cooked! My legs were both frozen to the bone, and muscles burning at the same time. My lungs hurt from the cold, even with wearing a bandana, and every bit of me was as tense as I've felt in years. I actually wondered if it is the slip in fitness, the fact that I haven't been getting to the chiropractor, or a combination of the two.

I realize now, that I really need to get back to stepping up my game. I dread the thought of how crappy I'm going to be on hills, after I was getting so used to climbing. Sad part is, I have no one to blame but myself. Hopefully, I can find a few people in the Cleveland area in 2010 that will actually want to consistently ride. Only a couple people did Monday night rides with me consistently last year. I'm sure I don't have to tell you, but you don't ride nearly as hard by yourself as you do with a person or persons.

Well, that's it for now. Hope everyone had a great new year, and I'll catch you soon.


Bluenoser said...

Super Happy for you Phunster!! Just broke 185 today.


Bluenoser said...

Phunster I have to say this... I live in the middle of nowhere... I have to travel 25k one way just to go buy gas.

I can find people to ride with within a half hour drive...

Think about it buddy. Go ride with people. They are out there. Canada... 30 million people. USA, almost 300 million?


Bluenoser said...

Are you still with us... if not.
