09 May 2008

Help Fat Cyclists Wife Susan In Her Fight Against Cancer

Even more important than the Lessons Learned is the real world. That is why I am posting this after my regular post, this way it will remain at the top of the blog all weekend. The following was left by a friend of Fat Cyclist, in regards to something he set up to help Susan, Elden, and their families and friends with what they are currently going through. I encourage anyone who is able to help out. Here is Kenny's Message:
Dear Readers of Fatcyclist.com,
This last week has been truly tragic learning of the down turn of Suzan’s illness. As I read these comments left by all you good people, the over all theme is the same. “What can we do for Elden, Susan and their kids?” I decided it was time to stop wondering and time to start doing. I set up a bank account in Elden’s name at a local bank here in Utah. It is linked to pay pal. The pay pal account is winsusannelson@gmail.com. If you don’t have a pay pal account you can also donate by going to my business’s website http://www.kennysphoto.com and clicking on the link in the middle of the page, where you can donate with the credit card of your choice. Please know that all funds collected will go directly to this bank account and after a two month period will be given to Elden, Susan and Family. Elden is unaware of this account, until now, of course. I’m not sure how he will react to this comment, but if he removes it, I’m going to continue to put it back on his blog and I invite you as fatcyclist readers to also put this on your own respective blogs. I truly believe that we bless our own lives, when we help others, so I hope that Elden will allow us to help him through this very trying time in his life. He truly has touched each one of us, through his writing and his friendship.
Respectfully yours,

1 comment:

yeahdog said...

Thanks for posting this.