01 July 2008

Stephen's Review Of The Jimi

Stephen also won one of the jimi wallets. Here is what Stephen had to say on the jimi:

We occasionally do a Sunday "bakery ride" with our group. Last week the baker said to one of the guys "Looks like it's a bit warmer out there than the last time you stopped", as he was wringing out the sweat-soaked bills he had just been handed. I smiled as I removed my dry dollars from my jimi wallet and got thumbs up from the baker.

I had expected the jimi to be more flexible, like the silicone iPod covers. It works fine in a jersey pocket, but not so good in my back pocket. It holds my license, a debit card, and plenty of bills. I wish I could fit my cell phone, a Raz'r, as I still need to use a "zip-loc" bag to keep it dry.

Overall, I'd grade it a solid "B". It holds plenty, keeps stuff dry, and it's easier to open than a "zip-loc". I'll use it for riding, but probably not for everyday.

I just found another item that fits well in my jimi. I added a couple of "band-aids and antiseptic swabs, they take up no space, and now I've got a mini "first-aid" kit. It's only good for a few scrapes, but it would have come in handy last fall when one of our guys went down on some loose cinder seal.

Stephen, I love that my dough is nice and dry. When I stopped carrying a wallet on rides, I tucked cash and license in the leg of my shorts, I thought it was more secure than an elastic jersey pocket. It was also nasty with sweat. I'm actually really glad that it is hard, I think silicone would be annoying from the "sticky" standpoint. As I said yesterday, I still have to baggie my Razr as well. I love mine for everyday, although I've always kept my wallet in my front pocket so I never had the problem with keeping it in my back pocket. Finally, I too threw two Band-Aids and an alcohol wipe in mine, love the idea. I agree, only for the most minor of injuries, but helpful none the less. Enjoy your jimi Stephen!

1 comment:

Bluenoser said...

OK OK, I went and bought one. It cost half as much again to mail it here though. Stamps must be expensive down there. ;-)
