Well, it's that time of year. Time for a certain amount of chaos to ensue, but for now a good kind of chaos. I will be making Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas Dinner, New Years Eve dinner and the "getting over the hangover from drinking too much Double Bastard and/or Arrogant Bastard New Years Day Breakfast. Also, the plan is, still, to get out to Ray's this Saturday for some indoor mountain biking. Ray's just might be one of Cleveland's few, if not only, blessings. Anyway it'll likely be nice enough to ride outside, God forbid Ray's somehow falls through.
Anyways, add to that all of the family plans: sledding, toy building, date night with the wife, and it just makes for a lot to do in five days. With that said I will likely not be doing much posting until Monday January 5th. This will however likely change assuming I get out to Ray's, or something earth shattering come up.
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you, in case I'm not here between now and the new year, for reading and commenting. I enjoy writing, though it sometimes feels like self-deprecation, and really dig the fact that I've made some new acquaintances in the process. I seriously would love to figure out a way to get together and ride, outside of any of you who I might run into in Philly.
For now, one last little way of saying thank you. I have some stuff still laying around that I want to give away, Christmas Presents if you will. Here's just a taste...
So, all I want is for you to do is go up to the "you can contact me by clicking here" like at the top of the right hand side bar. Drop me an email with your email address and name, and I will get in touch if you are one of the lucky ones to get a Chrstmas gift. I will take emails through Sunday night so you have through the weekend to email me. Once I figure out everything I have I will lay all of the items out, and one by one I will grab an item, throw all of the names into a hat and force my wife to pick one. She will complain that I am a 'dork' and I will say something inappropriate. She will break down and pick names and I will put that name on the gift and then send it out. Just ask Thom! (Thom: I SWEAR I will get that out to you, like, this week!) I will pick names until I run out of stuff.
The only rule, and I apologize but I'm footing the postage, is that I'll only send to the US and Canada. I feel like a punk for saying that, but the postage to send the calendar to England is more than the calendar costs... sorry. :(
Anyway Thanks again. To all my friends; May you all have a Merry Christmas (or Happy Hanukkah), and Joyous and Prosperous New Year!
Also, Thanks again to Anke from Cyclepassion for the calendars this year, and Mike from Mr Smith for the Jimi's! You guys rock! Also remember, Only a couple days left to get 15% off your entire JIMI purchase! Just go to http://thejimi.com and look around for what you want from the Jimi Store. Throw it all into your basket and fill out all the necessary info like name, address, payment, etc. When you're filling it out, make sure you type 'phun' as the coupon code on the payment page, and you get 15% off! It's just that easy!
Until next year, or until I get antsy to post!
I love calenders. That way I can scratch off the days since I didn't get my last prize.
Just kidding Phunster. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stuff your face and drink up while you can....
.... because the Lean Look Challenge will start on Jan 1.
A virtual ride maybe?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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