21 January 2008

High Quality Poo!

The story is true, only the name have been deleted to protect the innocent. First off, I'd love to give crazy props to a dear friend who provided me with the picture for this post. Second, I'd love to thank Craigslist for providing an amazing forum for so much worthless crap! Finally I'd like to apologize to Bike Snob NYC for seemingly biting off the success of his hatred for Craigslist as well.
With these items covered, I had to laugh my butt off this weekend for a couple of reasons. The first is the fact that apparently someone in, I believe, New Hampshire tried to post the sale of a baby on the New Hampshire Craigslist. In fairness to the person, they did post it under the heading "baby&kids", I'm just stating facts. Just so you don't think I'm a total idiot, they ound this to be a fake. But again, and I must reiterate, they posted it correctly under "baby&kids". You may ask what this has to do with cycling, I'll tell you.
Recently I found these mountain bikes posted on Craigslist. The funny, and possibly ironic - or idiotic?, thing about this is my aforementioned dear friend works at Dick's (formerly Galyans, of whom the bikes were made for). So when I jokingly sent him the post, he replied back with, "Yeah, they're so rare we have a few sitting in our back-room still!" and sent the following picture entitled "High Quality Poo". Equally funny was a post for a Bianchi Nyala listed as "giving it away" for $400 that was since removed due to this rebuttal. It does the heart good to know the crazy deals don't only happen in NY.

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