28 November 2008

Thanksgiving Ride

So after three weeks, and about as many colds, I bit the bullet and got out on the bike for Thanksgiving. Nothing crazy, just some fun manmade trails. The snow was on the ground, and it was cold, but it was wicked fun! It's been a year now since I got out in any type of snow. So, while this wasn't much it was really enjoyable. Here's a quickie for you to enjoy.

I got the fleece on, threw on the PI headband, shades, and hit it. I miss being on a bike, really miss it. But at the same time, it was like I never stopped. OK, so it was only three weeks, but I'm a bit of a drama, er, queen(?!). I got in a mere few miles, but it was a great few miles. Enjoyable.

Got home, got the Thanksgiving Dinner finished, engorged myself on beer cheese, shrimp, turkey, stuffing, cranberry, Fatty's mashed potatoes, homemade cornbread, pumpkin pie, beers, wine, and so much more. I actually ate JUST enough to be full, but not so much to feel ill. It's cool. I still, probably, put on five pounds, I'll report on that later. I had SUCH an awesome time, I just hope everyone out there had as great a day as I did. Oh, and by the way... cold means? Yup, time for the hair to come back. Its sketchy now, but it will be full again soon. Amazing how much warmer facial hair will make you!

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