02 January 2008

So Begins A New Year

Here we are in 2008. Where to begin? First off I have to say that I am not one for resolutions. That's to say I'm not the guy who says, "Hell yeah! I'm going to drop fifty pounds, quit eating fast food, drinking beer, and become the next tour champ by 2009! WOO!" That's just not me, it's not in my blood. I don't believe in saying you'll do something without having any idea whether it is able to be accomplished, or without knowing what factors will arise. I am, however, the guy who has always had a problem setting the bar just high enough that I rarely achieve what I set out to do and get crushed by the lack of achievement. So this year I have some goals that I feel pretty confident I can achieve. For the sake of not boring you all to death, I will stick to my cycling related goals.
First, I plan to drop twenty five more pounds, hopefully fifteen of that by the time weather breaks enough to ride. I came from two-hundred thirty July of Last Year to sit around one eighty-five now (holiday eating sucks). I can't get over how much easier it is to ride when you aren't carrying an extra forty pounds.
Next, I need to work on the aerobic side of my riding. I don't know what that means, but... Kidding, I need to work on this due to some issues I've experienced with exercise induced asthma. Was out on a solo run on a big hill, and almost passed out, yada yada, now I have a rescue inhaler... hooray *sarcasm*!
I need to work on my distance, badly. Fifty to one-hundred mile rides. I live in a very hilly area, I need to get really good at riding them. I guess that's two in one, but what the heck.
Finally, and this is a stretch for a few reasons but I really, really, really, infinity want to do it (pardon the first grade moment). I want to do the Livestrong Challenge in `08. Right now I am nowhere near the level of fitness I need to be to do it, but I have a pretty long while, right?
So, what are your hope, resolutions, whatever for 2008? I'd love to hear.


Will said...

Wow congatulations on your weight loss - a great achievement.

Personally, I love New Year's cycling resolutions/challenges. For 3 years now I use my blog to track progress and find I cycle FAR more due to it - but that's just me.

Good luck with the further weight loss.

Happy new year

andy said...

Hmmm....lose another 10 pounds. I lost 15-20 over the last year and would like a little more.

Enroll in bus school for my MBA. Already took the GMAT.

Ride 7 races and have at least one top 5. no DFLs permitted!

Stay with the fast group on the Friday night group ride.

2 biking trips. One to Utah again and one to the Carolinas.

Harp said...

I usually don't do to many resolutions. If I had one though it would be not to suck in the races and keep working hard on the training.