12 March 2008

Weekly Roundup March 12

So much to say, so little time to say it. It’s cold, it’s miserable, and there is still far too much of the twenty-four inches of snow that fell to consider doing anything. The roads are down to near single lanes in some places, and that’s where they actually decided to plow, you can’t see around the ten to fifteen foot mounds, and where the streets are clear there I about a one inch thick layer of salt. I’m down, and I really want to ride. At least I’m not this guy. (Background info: This happened during the twenty-four inches in twenty four hours snow marathon. He is up over a guardrail, and about a foot, foot and a half away from going down an embankment into a river) With that friends, and to make up for the lack of substance lately due to the lack of a home network (what the hell did we do before computers and networks?!) I’m giving you an extended version of The Weekly Roundup!

Bunny Hop Rockstar: The homeboy at the LBS, John, whom I probably owe some favors had a deep meaningful type of post. Initiative is a great look at what life is really about. It talks about what is really important in life. The minimalist mentality, if you will. I have to say I think the kid has it right. I’ve really been starting to realize in the last few years what is important in life, and what just gets in the way and blinds you from seeing that which is important. Thanks for the philosophical discussion!

Let’s Rock…: Those of you who are regulars know I like me some “Let’s Rock…” and that I’m ALWAYS up for a good cause. This weeks good cause is Boobies!! Wow, I actually don’t want to say anything after that. It just seems like such a perfect way to end a sentence. I think I’m going to leave it there and let you find out for yourself. Go ahead, it’s not bad, really. It’s actually a post about a really great cause, serious. I whole heartedly encourage any of you can can support Yeahdog in her effort to get on it now! Best wishes on raising boat-loads of cash, Yeahdog!

How To Avoid The Bummer Life: A great, humerous blog that I read often, but haven’t talked much about. It’s the guys over at Swobo. The Synopsis of the Bummer Life post will catch you up to speed, and then I recommend that you jump right into the Moustaches In Cycling: It Goes Well Beyond The Handlebar post. These guys are great and Swobo has some great gear.

50K Loop NS: It seems as though the “not being able to ride” thing might be getting to Bluenosers head. But anytime there’s a gratuitous boob joke involved, I’ll take it. HEY! New theme for the week, boobs. OK, back to the point, Blue noser had his Rest Day, and from the looks of it he needs to get back out. I could appreciate that Thom!

Cozy Beehive: Will it ever die man!? Seriously, the whole Non-Circular Chainringthing just wont seem to go away. Ron delves into the shadowy underbelly of the beast that is the non-circular chainring. Ron, I’m going to start making heart shaped ones for bright pink bikes, with tassels on the bar ends, and… sorry.

Travels With A Tin Donkey: File under will it ever die man, part II. Inadvertent Doping talks about the resent issue some riders were having with Hammer Nutrition and the impending lawsuits.

Harp Rider: Another one of my eighty or so daily reads. I want to throw kudos out to Harp for finally shaving his legs. Can’t say I’ve been able to bring myself to join the ranks yet, eh… maybe this summer. Anyway, Fatty finally broke him down, it seems, and he broke out the razor. Great overall read Harp!

Fat Cyclist: I have to give kudos to Fatty for his Bloggie (Best Sports Blog), and also share that I’m constantly amazed by his graciousness. He gave away a load of stuff to his reader for making him number one. He is a great reader, and truly a class act. This past week he realized he may have to settle for Plan B. If you are a regular reader of his you could appreciate this, but I wonder how he hasn’t gone mad with all that goes on in his life. He is inspirational.

Well that’s it; hope you enjoyed. As usual, I’m the Phun Cyclist, you stay classy Cleveland.


Bluenoser said...

Right on Phun. You got the pulse.


yeahdog said...

Thanks for the hype - I hope folks come check out what I'm doing!